Live Reload

kwui has a built-in live reload system. It allows you to change your JavaScript user interface source code and view the result in realtime.

Live Reload is currently only available for Windows Debug builds.


  1. Load resource from local directory

    fn main() {
    let app = Application::new();
    if cfg!(all(target_os = "windows", debug_assertions)) {
        app.set_resource_root_dir("{your assets dir}");

    Then asset URLs like :/entry.js will be mapped to {your assets dir}/entry.js.

  2. While the application is running, pressing F5 to trigger Live Reload of current Dialog, the user interface will be re-built.

    Rust-side states are preserved, JavaScript module-level and component-level variables and states are re-initialized during reload.

How it works

  • Increase application's script version.
  • Reload entry module script
    • import will also import a new version of dependent JavaScript modules.
  • Call builder() to build a new root component tree.
    • Child components in other JavaScript modules are built recursively.
  • Patch old user interface with new root component tree.
  • Garbage Collection will recycle old JavaScript module states later.