Quick Start

kwui supports Windows host only, targeting Windows and Android.

NOTE: Linux and OpenHarmony(OHOS) support in the future.


  1. Install the Rust development environments.
  2. Install kwui-cli tool.
    fn main() {
    cargo install kwui-cli

First project

Let's create a hello world project my_proj:

  1. Create project from template.
    # Creates a new Rust project 'my_proj' under current directory
    kwui new my_proj
    cd my_proj
  2. Build and run.
    cargo run


kwui is using prebuilt library to accelerate the build process.

If your access to GitHub is difficult or slow, set the environment variable to use a mirror:


Porting to Android

  1. Prepare the Android development environment.
  2. Build the project for Android.
    # Build 'app-debug.apk'
    kwui build apk
  3. Install the resulting APK to your phone.

    NOTE: only supports arm64-v8a abi now.